Photo a Day August

Here we go again.  After taking a couple months off, I am going to dive into the photo a day challenge for the month of August.  Hope you all enjoy.

Day 1: Outside

 Day 2: One

Day 3: Coin

Day 4: Somewhere I Sat

Day 5: Logo

Day 6: Writing

Day 7: 8 o'clock

Day 8: Glasses

Day 9: Messy

Day 10: Ring

Day 11: Purple

Day 12: Spoon

Day 13: Simple

Day 14: Arrow

Day 15: Ready

Day 16: Food

Day 17: Faces

Day 18: Inside

Day 19: Hole

Day 20: Today

Day 21: Cool
Day 22: Home
Day 23: Pair
Day 24: Path
Day 25: Fresh
Day 26: Dream
Day 27: Tap
Day 28: Clock
Day 29: Down
Day 30: Card
Day 31: Hidden

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