Photo a Day March

I decided to join the Photo a Day post that was started by the blogger Fat Mum Slim just for fun.  I am going to post all of my pictures here so I can keep them all in one place.  Some will be from my phone and some will be from my point and shoot and some will be from my good camera.  Just depends on where I am and what camera I have available to me in order to complete the daily challenge.  I hope it will be a lot of fun, and mainly I am hoping it will be a way to expand my creativity, which as of late I have felt is faultering a bit.
So here is the start for the month of March.

Day 1: Up

Day 2: Fruit

Day 3: My Neighborhood

Day 4: Bedside

Day 5: Smile

Day 6: 5pm

Day 7: Something I Wore

Day 8: Window

Day 9: Red

Day 10: Loud

Day 11: Someone I Talked To

Day 12: Fork

Day 13: A Sign

Day 14: Clouds

Day 15: Car

Day 16: Sunglasses

Day 17: Green

Day 18: A Corner of My Home

Day 19: Funny

Day 20: Before & After

Day 21: Delicious

Day 22: Kitchen Sink

Day 23: Moon

Day 24: An Animal

Day 25: Breakfast

Day 26: Key

Day 27: My Name

Day 28: Trash

Day 29: Feet

Day 30: Toy

Day 31: Where I Relax